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Also when getting the data i now get a sample of 10 values
“` GetDataAsync()
public async Task
if (_icm20948 == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(“ICM20948 is not initialized.”);
int numReadings = 10;
Vector3 accelTotal = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Vector3 gyroTotal = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < numReadings; i++) { var acceleration = _icm20948.GetAccelerometer(); var angularVelocity = _icm20948.GetGyroscope(); accelTotal += acceleration; gyroTotal += angularVelocity; await Task.Delay(10); // Small delay between readings } Vector3 accelAverage = accelTotal / numReadings; Vector3 gyroAverage = gyroTotal / numReadings; var pitch = CalculatePitch(accelAverage); var roll = CalculateRoll(accelAverage); var currentTime = DateTime.Now; var deltaTime = (currentTime - _lastUpdate).TotalSeconds; _lastUpdate = currentTime; _previousYaw += gyroAverage.Z * deltaTime; var yaw = _previousYaw; _logger.LogInformation($"Data from ICM20948 is Pitch:{pitch}, Roll:{roll}, Yaw:{yaw}."); return new AccelerometerData { Pitch = pitch, Roll = roll, Yaw = yaw }; } ```
private double CalculatePitch(Vector3 acceleration) =>
Math.Atan2(acceleration.X, Math.Sqrt(acceleration.Y * acceleration.Y + acceleration.Z * acceleration.Z)) * (180.0 / Math.PI);
private double CalculateRoll(Vector3 acceleration) =>
Math.Atan2(acceleration.Y, Math.Sqrt(acceleration.X * acceleration.X + acceleration.Z * acceleration.Z)) * (180.0 / Math.PI);
private double CalculateYaw(Vector3 angularVelocity, double deltaTime, ref double previousYaw)
previousYaw += angularVelocity.Z * deltaTime;
return previousYaw;