Hello, I am trying to interface a BME280 sensor with a Raspberry Pi Pico using MicroPython over I2C to monitor environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and pressure. However, I […]
Hello @everyone @Middleware & OS How do I convert a Keras model to TensorFlow Lite format for running on a microcontroller using TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers?
Am working on a smart car automation system using MicroPython, the system include various functionalities such as `obstacle detection`, `line following`, `speed control`, and `environmental monitoring`. am trying to detect […]
Hello guys am workin on Disease Detection from X-Ray Scans Using TinyML, i have gathered a diverse dataset of X-ray images from public medical databases, used images labeled with specific […]
Hello, I am working on a health monitoring system using an `Arduino Nano 33 BLE` Sense and a Pulse Oximeter (`MAX30102`) sensor. The objective is to measure and transmit pulse […]
Hello guys ahv gotten to a new stage on my project simple temperature monitoring system using `MicroPython` on a `Zephyr` `RTOS`-supported microcontroller, such as the `ESP32`, and transmit the data […]
Hey guys @Middleware & OS @MCU, MPU & Firmware , I am attempting to set up an ESP32 to collect vibration data using an ADXL335 accelerometer and send it to […]
How do i achieve a fully functional voice-controlled system with reliable command recognition and LED control? Am done with my project on developing a home automation voice-controlled system using `MicroPython` […]
Am developing a home automation voice-controlled system using `MicroPython` and `TinyML` on an `ESP32` microcontroller to recognize specific voice commands (“turn on” and “turn off”) for controlling an LED. Why […]