I am working on reading temperatures from multiple DS18B20 sensors connected to a shared 1-Wire bus on an STM32 NUCLEO-F103RB board. The sensors operate in parasitic power mode, with a […]
I’m programming an STM32 NUCLEO-F207ZG board and trying to output a PWM signal on pin PE_9 (D6) to drive an LED. I’m using low-level register programming (no HAL/LL drivers). However, […]
I am new to STM32WB15CC and am using the STM32WB15CC NUCLEO board. I successfully ran the BLE example `p2pserver` on my board, where the device is discoverable, and I can […]
I’m working with the STM32 Nucleo L476RG board and the X-Nucleo IDB05A1 expansion board to develop Bluetooth Low Energy applications. My development environment is Keil uVision5, and I’ve successfully built […]
I’m working on a project to control a display using an 8-bit parallel RGB interface with the Nucleo-F411RE, requiring a 1 MHz PCLK. Since the STM32F411RE lacks LTDC peripherals, I […]
I’m interfacing an ESP8266 with an NUCLEO-L073RZ using UART1 `PA9`, `PA10` for communication with the ESP and UART2 for communication with a PC for debugging. I also used a CP2102 […]
I am using the VL53L0X sensor with an STM32F103C8 microcontroller and want to communicate with the sensor directly over I2C without using ST’s library. My goal is to minimize project […]
Hi everyone, @Middleware & OS I’m struggling to find sufficient material on handling non-atomic operations, and I’d appreciate some guidance. I need to maintain a microsecond count in a 64-bit […]
Alright guys, I need to monitor hall sensors for position encoding with up to 350 changes per second. My current Python program watches GPIO pins but uses too much CPU. […]