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@bosslady0299 To successfully enroll fingerprints into your sensor and resolve the issues you’re encountering, focus on
– Initialization, Ensure the fingerprint sensor is correctly initialized, including verifying connections and matching the baud rate between the sensor and the microcontroller.
– Imaging Issues, Make sure the finger is placed properly on the sensor and check that the sensor is clean and functional to avoid the `FINGERPRINT_IMAGEFAIL error`.
– Packet Receiving Errors, These can be caused by loose wiring or `baud rate` mismatches. Ensure proper wiring connections and consider lowering the `baud rate`.
your code should look like this
uint8_t enrollFingerprint(uint8_t id) {
int p = -1;
Serial.print(“Waiting for finger to enroll…”);
// Retry logic for capturing image
for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 3; attempt++) { p = finger.getImage(); switch (p) { case FINGERPRINT_OK: Serial.println("Image taken"); break; case FINGERPRINT_NOFINGER: Serial.print("."); break; case FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECIEVEERR: Serial.println("Error receiving packet, retrying..."); continue; // Retry on packet error case FINGERPRINT_IMAGEFAIL: Serial.println("Imaging error, try again."); return p; // Exit on image failure default: Serial.println("Unknown error"); return p; } if (p == FINGERPRINT_OK) break; // Exit retry loop if image is successfully taken } // Convert and store the image template p = finger.image2Tz(1); if (p != FINGERPRINT_OK) return p; p = finger.storeModel(id); if (p == FINGERPRINT_OK) Serial.println("Fingerprint enrolled!"); else Serial.println("Failed to store fingerprint."); return p; } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); mySerial.begin(57600, SERIAL_8N1, 16, 17); // Ensure TX/RX pins are correct finger.begin(57600); if (finger.verifyPassword()) { Serial.println("Sensor initialized."); enrollFingerprint(1); // Enroll the first fingerprint } else { Serial.println("Failed to initialize sensor."); } } ```
Thanks @enthernetcode