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I cannot connect my project to the blynk device. It is always showing the blynk is offline
Hi @hemanth03213 Blynk is a Cloud platform. Please tell us more about which `microcontroller board` you’re using with Blynk. The more details you provide better we can help you.
Esp8266 nodemcu 1.0
I suggest following this video step-by-step and then asking specific questions like at which step and what issue you’re facing. The most challenging part will be to connect NodeMCU ESP8266 with wifi using the Blynk Mobile App. Please also add images to help us understand the problem you’re facing. Best wishes!
This is the same video we have also watched but then the problem is that. Even when he have his esp being online with the blynk. My device Is connected
It is not generating me the auth token
This video uses `#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID` and `#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME` from Blynk dashboard when you create Template. Please watch once and then post screenshots to back your question. `auth token` is very old method of registering device in Blynk.
We have created everything Template id and template name we have got. But what is the problem is that we have never got the auth token and we have throught that because we have not got the auth token. We have not been able to connect to the blynk. Really don’t know what is the problem is
you don’t need `auth token` just follow the steps from my suggested video. Maybe you’ve watched very old video of someone else with a similar thumbnail.
Yeah. That’s what we are trying to do. Thanks for the help. We would do it again and if we have doubt we will ask you back but still thanks for the help bro
Here are the macros where you must replace `#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID` and `#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME` from Blynk dashboard