Hey guys I’m experiencing intermittent timeouts and invalid packet errors while programming my ESP32-WROOM-32 module via USB using esptool version 2.8 and ESP-IDF version 4.4 for a cloud-connected IoT project […]
To increase the IoT domain’s security posture, I decided to offer 100 free coupons for my Udemy training. After taking this training, you will: ✅ Understand how AWS IoT Core […]
AWS IoT Greengrass is an open-source Internet of Things (IoT) edge runtime and cloud service for IoT applications. It is my (un)favorite IoT service. Pros: Runs on edge devices. Communicates […]
It has been a while since I created a public GitHub repo, but this topic deserves a proper explanation. I was helping a customer solve that specific issue and decided […]
Please who has connected to AWS iot core using A7670E specifically?? I’m facing +CMQTTCONNECT: 0,34 error AT+CMQTTCONNECT=0,”tcp://xxxxx:8883″,60,1 +CMQTTCONNECT: 0,34
Hey guys @IoT Cloud i have devices that collect few samples each week, storing the data indefinitely. Using AWS IoT, I’ve connected the devices to IoT Core and can publish/subscribe […]
Hey guys I have a MQTT client which publish data to AWS IOT and Azure IOT HUB. To see the data into Azure IOT HUB, I am using DeviceExplorer I […]
In case you missed it, AWS will discontinue the IoT Fleet Hub. Does it matter? It is hard to say. I always perceived that service as a bit limited and […]
Forums are designed to help DevHeads community members come to quick resolution on a variety of systems integration topics. These differ from the #seeking-collabs (find a professional dev who can […]