I am trying to establish communication between two Nucleo boards (STM32G431RB as master and Nucleo F446RE as slave). I used the example codes from the STM32 GitHub page (NUCLEO-G431RB/Examples/SPI/SPI_FullDuplex_ComPolling_Master and […]
Currently, I am utilizing the Atollic Truestudio IDE (which is based on Eclipse) to create firmware for different STM32L4 Nucleo boards. To date, my approach has involved employing `printf` through […]
I am using the Arduino IDE to program an STM32 Blue Pill via an ST-Link V2. After following several manuals, I successfully uploaded the blink example to pin C13.Although I […]
Am developing a home automation voice-controlled system using `MicroPython` and `TinyML` on an `ESP32` microcontroller to recognize specific voice commands (“turn on” and “turn off”) for controlling an LED. Why […]
I am using an STM32 Nucleo-F446RE with the Ethernet Wiznet W5500 via SPI. The SPI is configured as Master, CPOL = Low, CPHA = 1st Edge, 8-bit data, BaudRatePrescaler = […]
I’m working with the STM32 Nucleo L476RG board and the X-Nucleo IDB05A1 expansion board to develop Bluetooth Low Energy applications. My development environment is Keil uVision5, and I’ve successfully built […]
Hi guys on an ESP32 using TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers, I encounter the error `RuntimeError: Failed to run model at node 13 with status 1` during inference, often with longer […]
when i try to add a bulb to home assistant i get this error message Connection to device succeeded but no datapoints found, please try again. Create a new issue […]
Based on my previous question, How do I enroll fingerprints into the sensor and store them for future comparison? cause am getting an imaging error and error receiving packets when […]