when using ESP-NOW If I want to enable long-range transmission I have to enable it for the receiver as well?
Hey guys while sending sensor data from an ESP32-Pico to an MQTT broker,And combining multiple sensor readings into a single MQTT message, the payload size exceeds the broker’s limit. As […]
I found this code for connecting the bluetooth #include “BluetoothSerial.h” BluetoothSerial SerialBT; bool isConnected = false; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); SerialBT.begin(“ESP32_BT”); // Bluetooth device name Serial.println(“The device started, now you […]
Hello,I have a question about the feasibility of running an image recognition model on an ESP32 to recognize a single specific object, such as a person, using a camera with […]
Hi all, I have an ESP32 receiving information from another ESP32 equipped with sensors. Below is the code for the receiving ESP: “`C++ #include #include const char* ssid = “XXXX”; […]
Greetings every one what you do if you iot device infield get disconnected to wifi and you dont have anyother connectivity available? How you can ensure that data is not […]
I want to build a MJPEG server via websocket on esp32 in esp idf The problem is that I am using the mongoose network stack, and `I have to know […]
what are different ways to maximize the range of esp32 c3 chip on a custom board ?
Hey guys , am working on an image recognition system that can analyze images of tissue samples, identify malignancies, and predict possible symptoms and causes. The system will utilize a […]