@Middleware & OS Gm guy’s, I’m trying to interface an EEPROM with my AVR microcontroller using Zephyr RTOS. I’ve configured the I2C peripheral in the `prj.conf` file and set up […]
Good day guys, this code here is part of the initialization code for a firmware of an STM32F030 microcontroller, disassembled using Radare2. It is executed after the clock initialization but […]
hello everyone i am following the book: INTERNET OF THINGS PROJECT WITH ESP32 BY: AGUS KURNIAWAN I am facing a problem in setting up esp-idf in vs code can someone […]
@Middleware & OS hey guys, I am working on an AVR microcontroller project using Zephyr OS for an IoT device that controls motors via CAN Bus/SPI. The initial error I […]
Hello @Middleware & OS My FreeRTOS application experiences sporadic crashes or resets without an obvious cause. What steps can I take, such as enabling stack overflow checking, using watchdog timers, […]
My program outputs encoded instructions, and each line represents an independent set of instructions, like this: 0x81FB4300000090 0x69FC4300000090 0x81FC4300000090 0x69FD4300000090 0x81FD4300000090 0x69FE4300000090 0x81FE4300000090 0x69FF4300000090 0x81FF4300000090 0x00054400000090 0x01054400000090 0x02054400000090 0x03054400000090 0x08054400000090 […]
Hi everyone, i started coding embedded C recently, based on my understanding of While loop it loops over the code as long as the while loop condition remains true, in […]
I’ve written the attach class to get the accelerometer and gyro data from the ICM-20948 unit. Unfortunately the data fluctuates massively when I am trying to do a basic calibration. […]
I have a question about using the extended registers as in r8, r9, r10, …. , I want to use them frequently in my program, but I’ve noticed a problem […]