I’m still on the project tho where I’ve installed a vibration sensor to monitor industrial machinery using an AVR128DA48 microcontroller. While my basic anomaly detection code is functioning, if (vibration_data […]
I’ve integrated temperature, vibration, and pressure sensors with the AVR128DA48, and have set up CAN Bus communication running Zephyr. Each sensor is connected to a separate CAN node, and data […]
Hey guys while developing a CAN bus monitoring system using the ESP32-S3, ESP-IDF, and RTOS, I encountered a WDT (Watchdog Timer) panic within my CAN interrupt service routine (ISR) when […]
I’m using the STM32 NUCLEO-F401RE microcontroller and have programmed a speaker to change frequency when the joystick is pushed up or down. However, I’m encountering two issues: 1. The frequency […]
I am using an STM32 Nucleo-F446RE with the Ethernet Wiznet W5500 via SPI. The SPI is configured as Master, CPOL = Low, CPHA = 1st Edge, 8-bit data, BaudRatePrescaler = […]
hey guys I was working on a project previously where I needed to transmit a 10-bit signal from an analog/digital converter (ADC) to an Arduino Uno using the SPI protocol. […]
Still based on my project on home automation system that controls water pumps and taps based on motion detection using the Zephyr RTOS on an ESP32. How can i properly […]
I am working on reading temperatures from multiple DS18B20 sensors connected to a shared 1-Wire bus on an STM32 NUCLEO-F103RB board. The sensors operate in parasitic power mode, with a […]
How do I set up and establish communication between the ESP32 and the R307 fingerprint sensor, ensuring that the sensor can be recognized and initialized by the ESP32? My aim […]