I am working on a boost converter to step up DC voltage from 12v to 450v. My switching frequency is 45khz on each channel of the sg3525. I am using […]
I want to design a charger that charges my lifepo4 battery(4s,3p). The charger is going to be AC to Dc charger having an output of 14.6v 15Amps. My challenge now […]
Hi friends, I need assistance implementing a low-power mode to extend battery life for the ATmega2560 with Zephyr OS, and resolve the issue of failing to wake up from low-power […]
Hey everyone, I’m currently working on a PCB design involving the DRV8320 and the STM32G431RBT6TR. As you can see in the attached images, I’m trying to minimize the number of […]
Working on a project trying to measure multiple switch inputs via a single DAC in an R-2R resistor configuration. Took me a while to realize that the inputs needed to […]
Hi team, Any one work on AC to DC converter, without transformer, If yes can you share me the components selection and calculation guidance. Thanks in advance 🙂
I am working on a project that will measure and calculate the speed of a moving object and tilt angle which accelerometer module will be suitable for this project @PCB […]
Hello.I have a simple robot with two DC motors. Using the L298N Dual H-Bridge, what’s the minimum number of control pins I can use to give me forward, back and […]
Hello, I am working with a instrument where we frequently get the problem of frequency drop out, i.e. suddenly frequency signal goes missing i.e. goes to zero, this cause the […]