Hello, Got a uart-to-rs485 converter board from the AliExpress . Its schematic is very close to this one It has a 120ohm resistor at data lines however it is not […]
This is a vacuum suction motor from vacuum robot that am trying to interface with Raspberry Pi. It has 4 wires and am not able to get it working. Any […]
Question: has anyone experimented with the serial port on the Arduino Opta? On the Uno et al there are pins broken out as Rx and Tx, but I’m not sure […]
The flowmeter contains a atmega 16 chip and i am trying to get flowrate and flow totalizer from it via rs485 to ttl converter using a arduino nano data related […]
Hello, I’m working on a light intensity monitoring system using `BeagleBone Black` and a Esp32. I’m interfacing an `LDR` (Light Dependent Resistor) through the `Esp32` with a 4-digit 7-segment display […]
Hey guys while developing a CAN bus monitoring system using the ESP32-S3, ESP-IDF, and RTOS, I encountered a WDT (Watchdog Timer) panic within my CAN interrupt service routine (ISR) when […]
How do I set up and establish communication between the ESP32 and the R307 fingerprint sensor, ensuring that the sensor can be recognized and initialized by the ESP32? My aim […]
I’m working on a project to control a display using an 8-bit parallel RGB interface with the Nucleo-F411RE, requiring a 1 MHz PCLK. Since the STM32F411RE lacks LTDC peripherals, I […]
I’m working on a project to build a storage system for electronic components where its kept inrack’s drawer. Inspired by the FindyBot3000, I aim to create a typed search interface […]