Hey guys @Middleware & OS @MCU, MPU & Firmware , I am attempting to set up an ESP32 to collect vibration data using an ADXL335 accelerometer and send it to […]
Can anyone help explain the step-wise procedure for sending data using the CAN protocol? I’m working on Project Where we are Calculating the Distance using Ultrasonic sensor and wanted to […]
Hello #edge-networking am developing a smart automation system for factory The system needs to collect large data from sensors ( temperature, humidity, motion, door/window status) and control actuators (lights, thermostats, […]
After resolving the previous issues in my gesture recognition project on the `ESP32` with `TinyML`, I’m now encountering a new problem. The program crashes intermittently with the following error: IndexError: […]
Hey guys, while setting up communication between ESP32 and industrial/DIY sensors using MQTT, I noticed performance bottlenecks, message loss, and delayed logging, especially during high-frequency data transmission. How do different […]
Hello, I’m working on a light intensity monitoring system using `BeagleBone Black` and a Esp32. I’m interfacing an `LDR` (Light Dependent Resistor) through the `Esp32` with a 4-digit 7-segment display […]
I’m working with the BMP280 sensor on an AtMega32 microcontroller, aiming to convert sensor data from raw readings to a human-readable format. Specifically, I need to read calibration values from […]
Still on my project, I’m trying to implement a real-time data processing feature using Edge Computing on the AVR128DA48. The goal is to perform basic filtering on the sensor data […]
I’m developing an air quality monitoring system on an `STM32F746` using `TinyML`. The system uses a temperature, humidity, and gas sensor to predict the Air Quality Index (AQI) via a […]