Hello everyone. I am designing a synchronous buck converter using stm32f103c8t6 chip. I intend to use timer 1, i have setup my registers already and tested my output signals all […]
https://github.com/MuskaanJain2021/MULTITASKING-ON-STM32F407VGT6.git Task I am trying to achieve is The LED is off initially. Depending on switch press, the LED blinks in following way. 1st Switch press: LED blinks at frequency […]
Good day everyone @Middleware & OS , I have an objective to transmit a string (“test123”) 10 times as fast as possible through UART in interrupt mode utilizing an STM32F407VGT6 […]
Good day guys, this code here is part of the initialization code for a firmware of an STM32F030 microcontroller, disassembled using Radare2. It is executed after the clock initialization but […]
* *Reviewer:* @ngu25 * *Full Review and Getting Started Guide:* https://www.devheads.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/X_NUCLEO_LPM01A_DevHeads_Review.pdf The [X-NUCLEO-LPM01A kit](https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/x-nucleo-lpm01a.html) by STMicroelectronics is a power monitoring board with a programmable power supply. Its key features include: […]
I am trying to establish communication between two Nucleo boards (STM32G431RB as master and Nucleo F446RE as slave). I used the example codes from the STM32 GitHub page (NUCLEO-G431RB/Examples/SPI/SPI_FullDuplex_ComPolling_Master and […]
Good day everyone, my aim is to showcase the RTC date and time on Tera Term; however, I am facing errors that are explained in the code below. Furthermore, no […]
Currently, I am utilizing the Atollic Truestudio IDE (which is based on Eclipse) to create firmware for different STM32L4 Nucleo boards. To date, my approach has involved employing `printf` through […]
does anyone know how to add DFU in an stm32 bootloader?